2019-2020 NORTH STAR

TEachers' Choice


Total Goal: $55,513

Based on our teachers’ feedback, we have identified the following seven areas of need that our current budget does not cover. 

Please help us fulfill these goals to provide enhanced and rich learning experiences for our students.

K-12 Student Experiences

($15,000 = $15 per student)

Our community is rich with a variety of resources. Field trips, special speakers and/or assemblies augment the learning in the classroom and provide real-world experiences for our students.

Examples of how the money would be spent:
• Bus transportation for field trips
• Location fees
• Speaker fees

Designate to: K-5, 6-8, 9-12

K-5 Library Books

($4,750 = 19 classrooms @ $250 each)


 Elementary teachers have requested a set of library books that would be kept in the classroom and are specific to the grade level and interests of their students.   

Examples of how the money would be spent:

• Classroom library book sets

• Special author visits


6-12 Art


30 students @ $329 per iPad,
$95 per pencil, $17 per case

Ms. Ostrowski would like to add digital drawing and design into our existing art courses and will need the latest tools.  

Examples of how the money would be spent:

 •  Digital drawing pads
•  Digital drawing pencils
• Protective cases for drawing pads


6-12 Music


Musical instruments can be expensive and difficult for some families to afford.  Mr. Davidsen would like to have a few specific instruments on hand that students could try out or borrow if not able to purchase one on their own. 

Examples of how the money would be spent:

• 2 Tubas
• 1 Vibraphone
• 1 Oboe

9-12 Technology

($13,508 total)

Integrating cutting edge technology into the classroom is critical in preparing students for the 21st century.  Our budget supports a majority of our technology needs but these items will further our efforts to provide the latest tools for our students.

$8,000 = four 3D printers @ $2,000 each

Mr. Ostrowski has requested four 3D Printers so that students in computer classes can use this cutting edge technology to solve a variety of real world problems.

$3,183 = 3 Smart Monitors and tables $1,061 each

HS English – “collaboration stations” include a large monitor and allow students to work in groups on writing projects. Ms. Rau is looking for 3 more to allow for multiple groups to use them at one time.

$2,325 = 15 tablets @ $155 each 

HS Spanish – Ms. Maroe’s students use tablets almost every day to review and practice grammatical concepts. She needs 15 more to have a complete classroom set.

Where Needed Most

NOTE:  Your gift will be applied to the area of need you selected.  If the area selected has been fulfilled, the funds will go to the next area of need that is similar in nature or students served.

 These contributions have substantial tax benefits:  https://www.northstarcharter.org/idaho-education-tax-credit/