Community BOARD SEAT Openings

Apr 3, 2017 | Archives

Dear North Star Parents,


The Board of Directors needs your help!


As a parent of a student at North Star, you hold an important role in the success of our school, as a North Star Stakeholder. Other North Star Stakeholders include all teachers and staff of the school.  As stakeholders, you have a unique positon, namely to be the sole participants in the public election of the North Star Board of Directors.  The Board of Directors is responsible for the governance and oversight of the school.  This differs greatly from regular public school districts and district magnet schools in the valley.  We abide by the same Federal and State education requirements as all public schools.  However, within our approved Charter the Board makes many decisions regarding policy, curriculum and finances to ensure our students receive the highest quality education.


Critical to the overall health and sustainability of any enterprise is its Board’s breadth of experience, knowledge and wisdom that the Board imparts on the administration of the organization.   I have been privileged to serve on the Board of North Star since 2010 and can testify to the value that many of our current and past Board members have brought to North Star.  Over the past seven years, their commitment and dedication to North Star has significantly helped pave the way and guided us as we navigated through good and difficult times.


Today, we are at a unique phase in the life of our school.  Financially secure, at record high enrollment, with strong base of new applications and waitlists; along with a staff and administration of the highest caliber, North Star is positioned to reach new heights.


Currently, we have two open seats on our Board.  We need your help in identifying candidates to serve on our Board.  Over the next several weeks, you will be receiving more information regarding the annual election of Board members.  This is a request in advance for you to network within your community, neighbors and business associates to identify folks who have a passion for education, a commitment to the success of the next generation and a willingness to get involved in one of the most important aspects of our nation’s future, namely to educate students.


Our bylaws allow for up to a seven person Board (serving two year terms), consisting of three parent representatives and four community representatives.  A community member is a person who is independent from the school (has no children in the school, is a relative of the school or has any financial tie to the school).


We have two vacant community seats.   One of the vacant seats will be filled through our annual election process and we will need candidates for that position.  The other vacant seat is not up for reelection this year.  The Board will fill this vacancy by board appointment.  We are seeking your help as a North Star Stakeholder to identify and encourage qualified candidates to apply now for this vacant seat on our Board.


What “qualifies” someone as a candidate?  We do not have specific qualifications, other than a Board member is required to be a person of integrity with life experiences that have trained her/him for leadership.  Education, business, marketing and entrepreneurship are all skillsets that would provide “added value” to the process of oversite and governance of schools.


Please help us by encouraging members of your community to apply and participate in leading our wonderful school into its next chapter.  Please have them forward their expressed interest to or


Thank you in advance for your interest in furthering the mission, vision and long-term success of North Star Charter School.



Bill Russell

Chairman, Board of Directors

North Star Charter School


More information can be obtained on the website at Board Information.