Feb 27, 2017 | Archives

NSCS parents –

 The International Space Station will next be visible to us in Boise at 6:29 AM for 1 minute. Remember it will be traveling fast. Cloud cover and light pollution may make it difficult to see.


Astronaut Shane Kimbrough performed the first interactions with student experiments at 6:15 AM ET on 2/25, the North Star Charter School experiment did not require an interaction at this time. To follow: Astronaut Shan Kimbrough (USA): https://twitter.com/astro_kimbrough Astronaut Peggy Whitson (USA):https://twitter.com/AstroPeggy Astronaut Thomas Pesquet (ESA): https://twitter.com/thom_astro.

The North Star Charter School experiment, Triops: Living Water Filters, is projected to have its first astronaut interaction on Tuesday, March 7th. At this time one of the Astronauts on the ISS will open one of the clamps and shake to introduce the Triops eggs and dehydrated carrots to the spring water for initial hatching. Additionally, they will expose the tube to light for an extended period. At a later date, once the Triops have hatched and are feeding, the astronauts will release a second clamp that will introduce water from Eagle Island State Park (that we have tested for microbes) and we will see if Triops are able to remove the microbes from the water as efficiently in microgravity as hear on Earth. The North Star Charter SSEP will simultaneously be conducting the same experiment here on Earth.