Next Thursday and Friday are Parent/Teacher Conferences for all grades K-12, however the schedules are different between the two schools.
Thursday, October 27–Grades 6-12 will have school. Buses will run as usual for our secondary kids. P/T Conferences are 3:00-7:00 pm. Sixth grade teachers will be in the locker area located by their classrooms. The rest of the teachers will be in the cafeteria.
Friday, October 28–No school for grades 6-12. P/T Conferences are 8:30 am-12:30 pm in the same areas listed above.
Secondary conferences are “arena” style, meaning there are no appointments. Show up in the times given. As teachers are available you have about five minutes to meet. Please be respectful of the time, especially when there are lines. If you feel you need more time with an individual teacher, be sure to contact them by email or phone.
Elementary (K-5) Conferences are by appointment on Thursday and Friday (10/27-28). There is no school these two days for elementary.
Melissa Andersen
Secondary Administrator
North Star Charter School