North Star Secondary Parents,
To CELEBRATE the end of the school year we are asking for your support by donating to The SECONDARY END of YEAR BBQ.
The BBQ is this FRIDAY (in two days – Yikes!) and to date we LACK THE FOLLOWING ITEMS in order to make this event SUCCESSFUL:
1. 7th grade students – still need another 150 patties donated
2. 9th grade, last name N-Z, Ice – need 10 more sacks
3. 10th grade, last name ending A-M – Water bottles need about 400
4. 11th grade, need coolers, two more BBQ’s
5. Parents to help barbeque (Please contact coordinator Michelle Lambright asap @ For those parents interested in cooking, start time would be 8:00-8:30am in order to have enough burgers cooked for all our students by 10:45am.
ALL DONATIONS can be taken to the front office prior to Friday.
Please support this VALUABLE Secondary EOY activity. Our students ENJOY wrapping up the year with FOOD, FRIENDS, and YEARBOOK SIGNING.