Elementary School Hours: 9:15 a.m. to 3:45 p.m.
Students may be dropped-off no earlier than 15 minutes prior to school starting and must be off school grounds 15 minutes after school is dismissed.
Upon arrival K-5 grade students should proceed to the playground.
Secondary School Hours: 7:45 a.m. to 2:45 p.m.
Students may be dropped-off no earlier than 15 minutes prior to school starting and must be off school grounds 15 minutes after school is dismissed. Upon arrival 6-12 grade students should go directly to their homeroom. After school those students participating in an extracurricular activity must be under the direct supervision of a teacher/coach. Secondary students can not ride the Elementary buses.
Please respect the designated arrival and departure times. There is no supervision prior to that and the school cannot assume responsibility for the safety of your child.
Parking Lot Traffic Pattern & Rules 2015-2016
There is a new parking lot traffic pattern in place for this school year.
In an effort to ensure the highest level of safety for North Star Families and comply with the Idaho Transportation code, the south entrance (back of the school) will be designated for buses only during these hours:
7:30 – 7:50 a.m.
9:00 – 9:20 a.m
2:30 – 3:00 p.m.
3:30 – 4:00 p.m.
The code states:
“All school bus traffic should be considered as one-way traffic flow…”
“…separate pickup and delivery points some distance from the teacher, student parking areas should be designated for parents, delivery, service, teacher and administrative traffic. Accident inducing conditions are created by haphazard pickup and delivery of pupils in the bus loading zones…”
“Where necessary, traffic control devices should be provided to assist school traffic….”
The new traffic pattern requires that all drop-offs and pick-ups must enter through the north (front or main) entrance only. Please pull forward along the front of the building. If you want to walk your child inside, please park your car in the parking spaces to your left (when pulling in the parking lot). To exit, loop left around the front parking lot and exit out the north entrance. Additionally:
- Please respect and follow any parking lot traffic pattern changes or parking lot barriers that are deemed necessary by the North Star Administration Team. They are working diligently to ensure our safety and improve traffic flow.
- Refrain from using cell phones while moving (on foot or in a car) through the parking lot. If you must be on the phone, please park your car.
- Please, please, use the crosswalk.
- Do not leave your car unattended in the drive-up areas.
- Use only the front entrance for pick-up and drop-off.
- Please slow down and remain attentive. It is a small – but important – moment in the day for extra safety and caution.
North Star Traffic Flow Map
Secondary student drivers need to obtain a parking permit through the office for the school year. Parking for students is available on the east side of the building (school side next to Linder Road).
Cost for a 2018-19 parking permit is $15.00.
Thank you North Star families for your cooperation. We appreciate your patience as we continue to learn how to make this process better for everyone.