Leading Edge Technology Campaign
It is our mission to provide a world class education that prepares our students to be successful in the 21st century world. In order to do so, we believe we must provide a technology-rich environment that expands access to innovative digital technologies and learning opportunities while empowering teachers with the skills necessary to utilize technology to deliver curriculum content.
In the 2014 Clarity Survey, our teachers indicated a desire to move from entry-level technology integration, focused on content delivery and tasks that involve procedural understanding, toward use of technology as a tool for deepening conceptual understanding and promoting engagement for all of our students.
Technology is a part of almost every occupation and higher education environment today. It is the language our students speak. We need to equip our students with the technological acumen necessary to succeed. In order to do so, our school and classrooms need to be as engaging, responsive and dynamic as the world around us.
Please join us in supporting the Leading Edge Technology Campaign!
Goal: $75,000
Campaign Dates: November 2, 2015 – January 31, 2016*
Technology Included:
- Laptops
- iPads
- Robotic Kits
- Transporting/Storing/Charging Carts
In addition to the actual technology, all teachers will receive professional development focused on empowering them with the skills necessary to move beyond simply utilizing technology to deliver curriculum content toward the integration of technology at a transformational level.
Expected Outcomes:
- Broader teaching capacity: Learning not limited by the walls around us. Access to global community and unlimited research resources.
- Personalized instruction: Students work at their own pace through acceleration or intervention, learn content in a variety of ways, develop their interests and build on areas of strength.
- Good citizens: Students understand and become good citizens of the power and opportunity of technology.
- Technology acumen: Students embark on the world equipped with the knowledge and language of technology to be successful in higher education, work and life.
- Technology skills: Students are trained in the use of 21st Century tools and applications needed to solve business and economic issues.
*Special Match Challenge is running from December 31, 2015 – January, 2015.
Questions? Please see the Leading Edge Campaign – FAQ or contact: Joanna O’Donnell, Director of Development jodonnell@northstarcharter.org Tel: 208-939-9600 ext 406